10 Lessons I Learned as Ryan Gainey's Friend and Neighbor
In early March 2010, I was on a quick trip to the Gulf Coast on my vintage BMW motorcycle. On the final day of my journey I decided to...

How Creating a Magical Landscape is Like Telling a Great Story
Little Red Riding Hood was surprised to find her grandmother’s cottage-door standing wide open, and when she went into the room, she had...

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Atlanta Landscapes
I can still remember the first year they dropped the peach at Underground Atlanta to ring in 1990 like it was yesterday. At only 16, I was...

Near Miss: To Screen or not to Screen Part 3
As a native Atlantan, I really love the city’s symbol of the phoenix rising from the ashes and I know most people love a good comeback...

Near Miss: To Screen or not to Screen Part 2
Since the last post, I’ve been thinking about what my unsolicited solution is for the screening problem caused by poor plant species...

Near Miss: To Screen or not to Screen
Welcome! This is my first ever blog post and starting a landscape blog has been on my bucket list for many moons. I hope you find it...